The Business Master (4th Edition)
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U S E R 'S M A N U A L
Silver Hill Development
1811 Porter Avenue
Suitland, Md. 20746
(301) 736-7299
Copyright 1993 Silver Hill Development
All Rights Reserved
Chapter 1 About Profit Plan Service Billing............ 3
Chapter 2 Getting Started.............................. 4
2.1 Setting Up Service Billing................... 4
2.2 Running Service Billing...................... 4
2.3 Terminology and Other Considerations......... 5
Chapter 3 Entering System Information.................. 5
Chapter 4 Preparing Data Files......................... 6
4.1 Linking Codes................................ 6
4.2 Employees.................................... 7
4.3 Services.................................... 10
4.4 Clients..................................... 11
4.5 Cases....................................... 14
4.6 Automatic Bills............................. 17
Chapter 5 Using Service Billing....................... 20
5.1 Enter Bills................................. 20
5.2 Enter Credits............................... 21
5.3 Enter Payments.............................. 22
5.4 Delete Transactions......................... 23
5.5 Compute Finance Charges..................... 24
5.6 Generate Automatic Bills.................... 24
5.7 Select for Printing......................... 25
5.8 Case Analysis............................... 25
5.9 Client Account Summary...................... 26
5.10 General Journal Entries..................... 26
5.11 Close Current Period........................ 27
Chapter 6 Service Billing Reports and File Lists...... 27
6.1 Transactions By Client...................... 27
6.2 Transactions By Service..................... 28
6.3 Transactions By Employee.................... 29
6.4 Case Report................................. 29
6.5 Summary Aging Report........................ 30
6.6 Client Statements........................... 31
6.7 List Clients................................ 32
6.8 List Services............................... 32
6.9 List Employees.............................. 33
6.10 List Cases.................................. 33
6.11 List Automatic Bills........................ 34
Chapter 7 Maintenance Functions....................... 34
7.1 Rebuild Files............................... 34
7.2 Delete History.............................. 35
Page 3
1. A B O U T S E R V I C E B I L L I N G
Profit Plan Service Billing is a computerized accounts receivable
system for service-oriented businesses. As you record debits,
credits, and payments for each client, the program tracks client
account balances, employee time and period-to-date/year-to-date
totals. At the end of each accounting period, you can print
statements for your clients. And if you wish, Service Billing can
also create general journal entries that can be transferred
automatically to the General Ledger module.
At the end of each accounting period or year, Service Billing will
automatically close the period and prepares files for the next
period or year. The program also offers extensive reporting to
help you analyze your data. Following is a more extensive listing
of Service Billing features:
* Permits accounting for more than 1,000 companies,
assuming sufficient disk space.
* Optionally tracks progress of specific cases for any
* Automatically creates bills that occur on a regular basis.
* Automatically updates period-to-date and year-to-date
totals for clients, cases, employees, and services as
bills are processed.
* Permits creation of clients, cases, employees, or services
during transaction entry.
* Maintains credit limits for each client.
* Allows application of finance charges to overdue accounts.
* Optionally calculates taxes.
* Can apply credit to any client account.
* Allows onscreen review of cases and clients.
* Links to General Ledger module at summary or detail level.
Before proceding, it is recommended that you become familiar with
the information in the file INTRO.DOC. The manual in this file
explains how to install the Profit Plan program files and begin to
configure the system for your company. It also contains a general
explanation of the Profit Plan system and outlines basic rules and
conventions that the program follows.
Page 4
2. G E T T I N G S T A R T E D
This chapter outlines the steps necessary to configure Service
Billing for your company and briefly describes some of the
functions that you will need to use on a regular basis.
You will probably need to set up Service Billing in two separate
steps. First, you will need to define the basic Service
Billing system information. This process is described in Chapter
Then, the appropriate data files must be loaded. You will need to
create at least one client, one employee, and one service. If you
want to link to the General Ledger module, you will also have to
create at least one linking code. You will only need to create
cases or automatic bills if you intend to use these features.
Preparing data files is discussed in Chapter 4.
After you have entered the system information and loaded the data
files, you will be prepared for regular processing.
The ENTER BILLS function is used to record bills for your clients.
You can also record credits and payments for each client using
the ENTER CREDITS and ENTER PAYMENTS functions. If any clients
have unpaid prior period balances, you can apply finance charges
with the COMPUTE FINANCE CHARGES function. Any bills that occur
on a regular basis can be created with the GENERATE AUTOMATIC
BILLS function. And if you create case records for any or all
clients, you can review the progress of any case with the CASE
ANALYSIS function.
At the end of each accounting period, you can use the CLIENT
STATEMENTS function to print statements for any or all clients and
then run the CLOSE CURRENT PERIOD function to prepare your data
files for the next period or year.
It is also recommended that you use the DELETE HISTORY function on
a regular basis to remove old transactions from your files. This
can significantly improve overall system performance.
Service Billing also allows you to analyze your data with several
TRANSACTIONS BY EMPLOYEE functions enable you to list all
transactions on file for each client, service, or employee. The
CASE REPORT lists transactions for any cases that you create. You
can also review client account balances for the last 3 periods
Page 5
Service Billing allows the user to create new clients, cases,
services, and employees "on the fly" as you enter transactions.
However, you should be aware that when you use this feature you
will not be able to enter period-to-date and year-to-date
information. If you need to enter this information, you should
use the appropriate file maintenance function to create the
Also, the following terms require some explanation:
Transaction:This term is used broadly, to refer to
bills, credits, and payments.
Bill:Service Billing allows you to identify each expense
item that you record for a client as "billable" or
"nonbillable." This term is used to describe both types
of items.
Each of these terms will be used frequently throughout this
3. E N T E R I N G S Y S T E M I N F O R M A T I O N
You must run the SYSTEM INFORMATION function at least once before
using Service Billing on a regular basis.
Select SYSTEM INFORMATION from the Service Billing System
Maintenance menu.
You will first be asked if you want to edit the displayed system
information. Answer "Y" to change the displayed information or
"N" to return to the main menu.
If you elect to continue, you will only need to enter one field:
Link to General Ledger:You can link to the General
Ledger module in summary or detail. If you link in
summary form, the program will summarize transactions so
that only one general journal entry is created for each
account number. If you link in detail, no summarization
will take place. This may result in a very large number
of general journal entries. Enter "S" in this field to
link in summary form or "D" to link in detail. Enter
"N" if you do not want to link Service Billing to the
General Ledger module.
You will then be asked if you want to save the changes that you
have made. Answer "Y" to save and return to the main menu or "N"
to return to the main menu without changing anything.
Page 6
4. P R E P A R I N G D A T A F I L E S
This chapter outlines the steps necessary to prepare all of the
Service Billing data files. You will need to create at least one
client, one employee, and one service. If you want to link to the
General Ledger module, you will also have to create at least one
linking code. You will only need to create cases or automatic
bills if you intend to use these features.
If you have elected to link Service Billing to the General Ledger
module, you will need to create at least one linking code.
Linking codes are used to define the General Ledger accounts to
which Service Billing transactions will be distributed. You
should be certain that the accounts you enter here are also found
in your General Ledger chart of accounts. If you do not use
General Ledger departments, you should specify a departmental
sub-account of "000" for each account that you enter. See the
General Ledger manual for more information about account numbers.
Select ENTER LINKING CODES from the Service Billing File
Maintenance menu.
You will be asked to enter a linking code. At this point, you
1. Enter a new linking code
2. Enter an existing linking code
3. Press ENTER to return to the main menu
If you want to create a new linking code, go to section 4.1.1. If
you want to modify or delete an existing linking code, go to
section 4.1.2.
Enter a new linking code. You will then be asked if you want to
add the code. Answer "Y" to continue or "N" to reenter the
linking code. If you elect to continue, you will need to enter
the following fields:
Accts Receivable Acct:This account is debited when bills
are created with this linking code and credited when
payments or credits are created with this linking code.
Cash Acct:This is the account that is to be debited when
payments are received.
Sales Acct:This account is credited when bills that use
this linking code are created.
Cost Debit Acct:This is the account to debit with the
total cost of bills that use this linking code. This
Page 7
field is optional - you do not have to make an entry
Cost Credit Acct:This is the account to credit with the
total cost of bills with this linking code. If you did
not make an entry in the previous field, this field is
Credits Acct:This is the account to debit when credits
are created with this linking code.
After entering the last account number, you will be asked if you
want to save this linking code. You can:
1. Answer "S" to save the code as shown on screen
2. Answer "M" to change the displayed information
3. Answer "Q" to abandon entry of this linking code
Whether you elect to save the linking code or not, you will be
returned to the previous screen and asked to enter another linking
code as described in section 4.1.
Enter an existing linking code or press F2 to use the lookup
window to search for the correct code. After you enter the code,
the screen will display the information previously entered for
this linking code and you will be asked if you want to make
changes or delete the code. You can:
1. Answer "E" to make changes for this linking code
2. Answer "D" to delete the linking code
3. Answer "Q" to return to the previous screen
IMPORTANT NOTE:You will not be able to delete a linking code that
has transactions on file.
If you elect to delete the code, you will be asked to confirm that
you actually want to delete it. Answer "Y" to delete or "N" to
return to the previous prompt. If you elect to make changes, you
will need to reenter each displayed field as described in section
4.1.1. You will then be asked if you want to save any changes
that you have made. You can:
1. Answer "S" to save the linking code as shown on screen
2. Answer "M" to change the displayed information
3. Answer "Q" to abandon any changes that you have made
Whether or not you save changes, you will be returned to the
previous screen and asked to enter another linking code as
described in section 4.1.
Use this function to create, modify, or delete records for each
Page 8
employee whose time you want to track. This will enable you to
record each employee's time for each client.
Select ENTER EMPLOYEES from the Service Billing File Maintenance
You will be asked to enter an employee number. At this point, you
1. Enter a new employee number
2. Enter an existing employee number
3. Press ENTER to return to the main menu
If you want to define a new employee, go to section 4.2.1. If you
want to modify or delete an existing record, go to section 4.2.2.
Enter the number that will represent this employee. You will then
be asked if you want to add a new employee. Answer "Y" to
continue or "N" to reenter the employee number. If you elect to
continue, you will need to enter the following fields:
Name:Enter the employee's full name.
Address:These should contain the employee's address.
Address:These should contain the employee's address.
Telephone:Enter a telephone number for this employee.
Category:You can specify a category for each employee.
Later, you can use the LIST EMPLOYEES function to list
employees for a single category.
Last Bill:When you create a new employee record, you can
specify the date of the last transaction recorded for
the employee. Thereafter, this field will be maintained
automatically by the system.
Bill Rate:Enter the hourly rate that you normally bill
for this employee's time. This will become the default
hourly billing rate for all transactions that you
create for this employee. If you do not make an entry
in this field, the default rate will be determined by
the bill rate for the specified service.
Pay Rate:This is the employee's hourly pay rate. The
rate specified here will become the default hourly cost
for all tranactions that you create for this employee.
PTD/YTD Bills:When defining a new employee, you should
use these fields to enter the period-to-date and
year-to-date dollar amounts billed for this employee.
You will only be able to make an entry in these fields
when first creating the employee record. Thereafter,
Page 9
they are maintained by the system.
PTD/YTD Hours:Enter the total period-to-date and
year-to-date hours (billable and non-billable) for this
employee. You will only be able to make an entry in
these fields when first creating the employee record.
Thereafter, they are maintained by the system.
PTD/YTD Pay:Enter the period-to-date and year-to-date
pay for this employee. You will only be able to make an
entry in these fields when first creating the employee
record. Thereafter, they are maintained by the system.
PTD/YTD Nonbillable Hours:Enter the period-to-date and
year-to-date nonbillable hours for this employee. You
will only be able to make an entry in these fields when
first creating the employee record. Thereafter, they
are maintained by the system.
After completing the last field, you will be asked if you want to
save this employee. You can:
1. Answer "S" to save the employee as shown on screen
2. Answer "M" to change the displayed information
3. Answer "Q" to abandon entry of this employee
Whether you elect to save the employee or not, you will be
returned to the previous screen and asked to enter another
employee number as described in section 4.2.
Enter an existing employee number or press F2 to use the lookup
window to search for the employee. After you enter the number,
the screen will display the information previously entered for
this employee and you will be asked if you want to make
changes or delete the employee. You can:
1. Answer "E" to make changes for this employee
2. Answer "D" to delete the employee
3. Answer "Q" to return to the previous screen
If you elect to delete the employee, you will be asked to confirm
that you actually want to delete it. Answer "Y" to delete or "N"
to return to the previous prompt. If you elect to make changes,
you will need to reenter each displayed field as described
in section 4.2.1. You will then be asked if you want to save any
changes that you have made. You can:
1. Answer "S" to save the employee as shown on screen
2. Answer "M" to change the displayed information
3. Answer "Q" to abandon any changes that you have made
Whether or not you save changes, you will be returned to the
previous screen and asked to enter another employee number as
Page 10
described in section 4.2.
Use this function to create, modify, or delete records for each
service that your company performs.
Select ENTER SERVICES from the Service Billing File Maintenance
You will be asked to enter a service number. At this point, you
1. Enter a new service number
2. Enter an existing service number
3. Press ENTER to return to the main menu
If you want to create a new service, go to section 4.3.1. If you
want to modify or delete an existing service, go to section 4.3.2.
Enter the number that will represent this service. You will then
be asked if you want to add a new service. Answer "Y" to continue
or "N" to reenter the service number. If you elect to continue,
you will need to enter the following fields:
Description:Specify a description for this service.
Only the first line of the description will appear on
your reports. However, the full description will be
displayed on the screen when you enter transactions.
Bill Rate:Enter the hourly rate that you normally bill
for this service. This will become the default hourly
billing rate for all transactions that you create for
this service unless you have also established a billing
rate for the specified employee, in which case it will
be overridden by the employee's billing rate.
Type:You can specify a type for each service. Later,
you can use the LIST SERVICES function to list only one
type of service.
Last Bill:When you create a new service, you can specify
the date of the last transaction recorded for the
service. Thereafter, this field will be maintained
automatically by the system.
Billable:Enter "Y" if you usually charge clients for
this service, or "N" if not. If you enter "N" here, you
will still be able to charge clients for this service
on a case-by-case basis.
Taxable:Enter "Y" if this service is usually taxable, or
"N" if not.
Page 11
PTD/YTD Hours:Enter the total period-to-date and
year-to-date hours (billable and non-billable) for this
service. You will only be able to make an entry in
these fields when first creating the service.
Thereafter, they are maintained by the system.
PTD/YTD Bills:When defining a new service, you should
use these fields to enter the period-to-date and
year-to-date dollar amounts billed for this service.
You will only be able to make an entry in these fields
when first creating the service. Thereafter, they are
maintained by the system.
After completing the last field, you will be asked if you want to
save the service. You can:
1. Answer "S" to save the service as shown on screen
2. Answer "M" to change the displayed information
3. Answer "Q" to abandon entry of this service
Whether you elect to save the service or not, you will be returned
to the previous screen and asked to enter another service number
as described in section 4.3.
Enter an existing service number or press F2 to use the lookup
window to search for the service. After you enter the number, the
screen will display the information previously entered for this
service and you will be asked if you want to make changes or
delete the service. You can:
1. Answer "E" to make changes for this service
2. Answer "D" to delete the service
3. Answer "Q" to return to the previous screen
If you elect to delete the service, you will be asked to confirm
that you actually want to delete it. Answer "Y" to delete or "N"
to return to the previous prompt. If you elect to make changes,
you will need to reenter each displayed field as described
in section 4.3.1. You will then be asked if you want to save any
changes that you have made. You can:
1. Answer "S" to save the service as shown on screen
2. Answer "M" to change the displayed information
3. Answer "Q" to abandon any changes that you have made
Whether or not you save changes, you will be returned to the
previous screen and asked to enter another service number as
described in section 4.3.
Use this function to create, modify, or delete records for each
Page 12
Select ENTER CLIENTS from the Service Billing File Maintenance
You will be asked to enter a client number. At this point, you
1. Enter a new client number
2. Enter an existing client number
3. Press ENTER to return to the main menu
If you want to create a new client, go to section 4.4.1. If you
want to modify or delete an existing client go to section 4.4.2.
Enter the number that will represent the client. You will then be
asked if you want to add a new client. Answer "Y" to continue or
"N" to reenter the client number. If you elect to continue, you
will need to enter the following fields (You can press the F3 key
at any time to accept the currently displayed information):
Client Name:Enter a name to identify the client.
Address:These should contain the client's address.
Address:These should contain the client's address.
City, State, Zip Code:Enter the rest of the address.
Telephone:Enter a telephone number for this client.
Contact:You can use this field to identify the person
you will correspond with.
Employee:This is the employee who will perform most or
all of the services for this client. You can leave this
field blank. You can press the F2 key to use the lookup
window to search for the correct employee.
Type:You can specify a type for each client. Later, you
can use the LIST CLIENTS function to list only one type
of client.
Code:You can also specify a code for each client. Later,
you can use the LIST CLIENTS function to list clients
for only one code.
Acct Balance:This is the current balance for this
client. You will only be able to make an entry here
when first defining a client.
Fin Chg %:When a client's payments for the current
period fall short of his account balance at the end of
the previous period, he becomes eligible for finance
charges. If you make an entry in this field, the
program will use this percentage to calculate finance
Page 13
charges for this client. You can specify any percentage
up to 99.9%. Leave this field set to zero if you do not
want the client to be eligible for finance charges. See
section 5.5 for further information about finance
Discount Pct:Specify the discount percentage that this
client is usually eligible for, if any.
Tax Rate:Specify the tax rate that is usually applied to
bills for this client.
Credit Limit:You can specify a credit limit for each
client. You will be notified when you are about to
create a bill that will cause the credit limit to be
exceeded. Leave this field set to zero if there is no
credit limit.
Linking Code:Specify the linking code that you will most
often use for transactions for this client. This field
only appears if you have elected to link Service Billing
to the General Ledger module.
Last Bill:When you create a new client record, you can
specify the date of the last bill recorded for the
client. Thereafter, this field will be maintained
automatically by the system.
Last Payment:When you create a new client record, you
can also specify the date of the last payment recorded
for the client. Thereafter, this field will be
maintained automatically by the system.
PTD/YTD Bills:When defining a new client, you should use
these fields to enter the period-to-date and
year-to-date dollar amounts billed for this client. You
will only be able to make an entry in these fields when
first defining the client. Thereafter, they will be
maintained by the system.
PTD/YTD Payments:When defining a new client, you should
use these fields to enter the period-to-date and
year-to-date amounts paid by this client. You will only
be able to make an entry in these fields when first
defining the client. Thereafter, they will be
maintained by the system.
Previous Period:When defining a new client, you can use
this field to enter the client's balance at the end of
the previous period. You will only be able to make an
entry in this field when first creating the client
record. Thereafter, it is maintained by the system.
2nd Prior:When defining a new client, you can use this
field to enter the client's balance at the end of the
Page 14
2nd prior period. You will only be able to make an
entry in this field when first creating the client
record. Thereafter, it is maintained by the system.
3rd Prior:When defining a new client, you can use this
field to enter the client's balance at the end of the
3rd prior period. You will only be able to make an
entry in this field when first creating the client
record. Thereafter, it is maintained by the system.
After completing the last field, you will be asked if you want to
save the client. You can:
1. Answer "S" to save the client as shown on screen
2. Answer "M" to change the displayed information
3. Answer "Q" to abandon entry of this client
Whether you elect to save the client or not, you will be returned
to the previous screen and asked to enter another client number as
described in section 4.4.
Enter an existing client number or press F2 to use the lookup
window to search for the client. After you enter the number, the
screen will display the information previously entered for this
client and you will be asked if you want to make changes or delete
the client. You can:
1. Answer "E" to make changes for this client
2. Answer "D" to delete the client
3. Answer "Q" to return to the previous screen
IMPORTANT NOTE:You will not be able to delete a client that has
transactions on file.
If you elect to delete the client, you will be asked to confirm
that you actually want to delete it. Answer "Y" to delete or "N"
to return to the previous prompt. If you elect to make changes,
you will need to reenter each displayed field as described
in section 4.4.1. You will then be asked if you want to save any
changes that you have made. You can:
1. Answer "S" to save the client as shown on screen
2. Answer "M" to change the displayed information
3. Answer "Q" to abandon any changes that you have made
Whether or not you save changes, you will be returned to the
previous screen and asked to enter another client number as
described in section 4.4.
You can use this function to create, modify, or delete cases for
your clients. You will then be able to record transactions for
Page 15
these cases.
Select ENTER CASES from the Service Billing File Maintenance menu.
You will first be asked to enter the client number for this case.
You can:
1. Enter an existing client number
2. Press ENTER to return to the main menu
If you elect to continue, the next step will depend on whether you
intend to create a new case or modify an existing case. If you
want to create a new case, go to section 4.5.1. If you want to
modify or delete an existing case, go to section 4.5.2.
Each case for a given client must be assigned a unique case
number. It is also recommended that you do not use the same case
number for any two clients.
After you enter the case number, you will be asked if you want to
add a new case. Answer "Y" to continue or "N" to reenter the
case number. If you elect to continue, you will need to enter the
following fields:
Description:Enter a description for this case.
Contact:You can use this field to identify the person
you will correspond with concerning this case. When you
are creating a case for the first time, the default is
the name of the contact for this client.
Telephone:Enter a telephone number for this case. The
default is the telephone number that you specified for
this client.
Employee:This is the employee who will perform most or
all of the services for this case. You can leave this
field blank. You can press the F2 key to use the lookup
window to search for the correct employee. The default
is the employee that you specified for this client.
Current Balance:This is the current balance for this
case. You will only be able to make an entry here when
first defining a case.
Credit Limit:You can specify a credit limit for a case.
This will be for your reference only; the program does
not use this field.
Type:You can specify a type for each case. Later, you
can use the LIST CASES function to list only one type of
Page 16
Active:Enter "Y" if this is an active case or "N" if it
is not. You will be warned if you attempt to create a
transaction for an inactive case.
Total Hours:Enter the total number of hours (billable
and non-billable) worked for this case. You will only
be able to make an entry in this field when first
defining the case. Thereafter, it will be maintained by
the system.
Non-Billable Hours:Enter the number of non-billable
hours worked for this case. You will only be able to
make an entry in this field when first defining the
case. Thereafter, it will be maintained by the system.
Total Billed:When defining a new case, you can use this
field to enter the total dollar amount billed for this
case. You will only be able to make an entry in this
field when first defining the case. Thereafter, it will
be maintained by the system.
Last Bill:When you create a new case, you can specify
the date of the last bill recorded for the case.
Thereafter, this field will be maintained automatically
by the system.
Last Payment:When you create a new case, you can also
specify the date of the last payment recorded for the
case. Thereafter, this field will be maintained
automatically by the system.
Total Payments:When defining a new case, you should use
this field to enter the total amount paid by the client
for this case. You will only be able to make an entry
in this field when first defining the case. Thereafter,
it will be maintained by the system.
After completing the last field, you will be asked if you want to
save the case. You can:
1. Answer "S" to save the case as shown on screen
2. Answer "M" to change the displayed information
3. Answer "Q" to abandon entry of this case
Whether you elect to save the case or not, you will be returned to
the previous screen and asked to enter another client number as
described in section 4.5.
Enter an existing case number or press F2 to use the lookup window
to search for the correct case. If you use the lookup window you
will only be able to select cases for the specified client. After
you enter the case number, the screen will display the information
previously entered for this case and you will be asked if you want
Page 17
to make changes or delete the case. You can:
1. Answer "E" to make changes for this case
2. Answer "D" to delete the case
3. Answer "Q" to return to the previous screen
If you elect to delete the case, you will be asked to confirm that
you actually want to delete it. Answer "Y" to delete or "N" to
return to the previous prompt. If you elect to make changes, you
will need to reenter each displayed field as described in section
4.5.1. You will then be asked if you want to save any changes
that you have made. You can:
1. Answer "S" to save the case as shown on screen
2. Answer "M" to change the displayed information
3. Answer "Q" to abandon any changes that you have made
Whether or not you save changes, you will be returned to the
previous screen and asked to enter another client number as
described in section 4.5.
You can use this function to create, modify, or delete bills that
occur at a regular interval for a given client. You will then be
able to use these bills to create transactions as described in
section 5.6.
Select ENTER AUTOMATIC BILLS from the Service Billing File
Maintenance menu.
You will be asked to enter an automatic bill number. At this
point, you can:
1. Enter a new automatic bill number
2. Enter an existing automatic bill number
3. Press ENTER to return to the main menu
If you want to create a new automatic bill, go to section 4.6.1.
If you want to modify or delete an existing automatic bill go to
section 4.6.2.
Enter the number that will represent this automatic bill. You
will then be asked if you want to add a new bill. Answer "Y" to
continue or "N" to reenter the bill number. If you elect to
continue, you will need to enter the following fields:
Client #:Enter the client number of the client to be
billed. The name and address for the client will then
be displayed. You can press the F2 key to use the
lookup window to search for the correct client. If you
enter an undefined client number, you will be given a
chance to add a new client.
Page 18
Service #:Enter the service number for this bill. You
can press the F2 key to use the lookup window to search
for the correct service. After you enter the service
number, the description of the service will be displayed
directly below this field. You can edit this
description if you wish. If you enter an undefined
service number in this field, you will be given a chance
to add a new service.
Type:You can specify a "Type" code for each automatic
bill. Later, you can use the LIST AUTOMATIC BILLS
function to list only one type of bill.
Active?:Enter "Y" if this is an active bill or "N" if
not. Transactions will only be created for active
Frequency:The entry that you make in this field will be
used in combination with the next field to determine
when this bill is used to create transactions. Enter
"D" if this bill is to be used daily, "W" for weekly,
"B" for biweekly, "S" for semi-monthly, "M" for monthly,
"Q" for quarterly, or "A" for anually.
Next Date:Enter the next date that this bill is to be
used. Each time this bill is used, this field will be
updated automatically. You can, however, change this
date at any time.
Reference:You can use this field to identify
transactions created by this automatic bill.
Case:You can enter a case number if you want this bill
to create transactions for a particular case. You can
press the F2 key to use the lookup window to search for
the correct case. If you enter an undefined case
number, you will be given a chance to add a new case.
Employee:This is the employee who will perform the
service specified for this bill. You can press the F2
key to use the lookup window to search for the correct
employee. The default is the employee that you
selected for the specified client or case. If you enter
an undefined employee number, you will be given a chance
to add a new employee.
Billable:Enter "Y" if you want this bill to create
billable transactions or "N" if you want it to create
non-billable transactions. The default is determined by
whether you have selected a billable or non-billable
service for this bill.
Quantity:Enter the number of hours for this bill.
Bill Rate:Enter the hourly billing rate for transactions
Page 19
created by this bill. The default rate is determined by
the rate for the service or employee that you selected.
Unit Cost:This is the hourly cost for transactions
created by this bill. The default cost is determined by
the pay rate of the employee that you select.
Discount %:Enter the discount percentage to apply to
transactions created by this bill. This discount will
be calculated before any taxes are added. The default
is the percentage that was entered for the client that
you selected.
Taxable:Enter "Y" if this bill is taxable, or "N" if
not. The default is determined by whether you have
selected a taxable or non-taxable service.
Tax Rate:If this bill is taxable, you can enter a tax
rate in this field.
Linking Code:Specify the linking code for transactions
created by this automatic bill. This field only appears
if you have elected to link Service Billing to the
General Ledger module.
When you complete the last field, the net amount for this bill
will be calculated automatically and you will be asked if you want
to save the automatic bill that you have entered. Answer "Y" if
you want to save the record as it is displayed on the screen or
"N" if you don't. Whether you save the bill or not, you will then
be returned to the previous screen and asked to enter another
automatic bill number as described in section 4.6.
Enter an existing automatic bill number or press F2 to use the
lookup window to search for the correct bill. After you enter the
bill number, the screen will display the information previously
entered for this bill and you will be asked if you want to make
changes or delete the automatic bill. You can:
1. Answer "E" to make changes for this automatic bill
2. Answer "D" to delete the automatic bill
3. Answer "Q" to return to the previous screen
If you choose to delete the bill, it will be deleted immediately.
If you elect to make changes, you will need to reenter each
displayed field as described in section 4.6.1. You will then be
asked if you want to save any changes that you have made. Answer
"Y" if you want to save changes or "N" if you do not. Whether or
not you elect to save changes, you will be returned to the
previous screen and asked to enter another automatic bill number
as described in section 4.6.
Page 20
5. U S I N G S E R V I C E B I L L I N G
This chapter describes the Service Billing functions that you will
most likely use on a regular basis.
This function is used to bring together information from the
Client, Case, Employee, and Service files to record bills for your
Select ENTER BILLS from the Service Billing Transaction menu.
As you create bills, credits, and payments, the program assigns
each transaction a unique transaction number. This number will
always be displayed in the upper left corner of the screen.
For each bill, you will need to complete the following fields:
Client #:Enter the client number for the client to be
billed. The name and address for the client will then
be displayed. You can press the F2 key to use the
lookup window to search for the correct client. If you
enter an undefined client number, you will be given a
chance to add a new client. You can return to the main
menu by pressing ENTER while this field is highlighted.
Service #:Enter the service number for this bill. You
can press the F2 key to use the lookup window to search
for the correct service. After you enter the service
number, the description of the service will be displayed
directly below this field. You can edit this
description if you wish. If you enter an undefined
service number in this field, you will be given a chance
to add a new service.
Date:Specify the date for this bill.
Reference:You can use this field to identify this
Case:You can enter a case number if you want this bill
to be applied to a particular case. You can press the F2
key to use the lookup window to search for the correct
case. If you enter an undefined case number, you will
be given a chance to add a new case.
Employee:This is the employee who will perform the
service specified for this bill. You can press the F2
key to use the lookup window to search for the correct
employee. The default is the employee that you selected
for the specified client or case. If you enter an
undefined employee number, you will be given a chance to
add a new employee.
Page 21
Billable:Enter "Y" if this transaction is billable or
"N" if it is not. The default is determined by whether
you have selected a billable or non-billable service for
this bill.
Quantity:Enter the number of hours for this bill.
Bill Rate:Enter the hourly billing rate for this bill.
The default rate is determined by the rate for the
service or employee that you selected.
Unit Cost:This is the hourly cost for this bill. The
default cost is determined by the pay rate of the
employee that you select.
Discount %:Enter the discount percentage to apply to
this bill. This discount will be calculated before any
taxes are added. The default is the percentage that was
entered for the client that you selected.
Taxable:Enter "Y" if this bill is taxable, or "N" if
not. The default is determined by whether you have
selected a taxable or non-taxable service.
Tax Rate:If this bill is taxable, you can enter a tax
rate in this field. The default rate will be the rate
that you specified for the client that you selected.
Print?:Enter "Y" to immediately select this item to
appear on the next statement that you print for this
client. If you enter "N" in this field you will be able
to delete this transaction later, but it will not appear
on a statement or be transferred to the General Ledger
module unless you specifically select it with the SELECT
FOR BILLING function. However, all employee, service,
client and case balances will be updated.
Linking Code:Specify the linking code for this bill.
This field only appears if you have elected to link
Service Billing to the General Ledger module.
Upon completion of each bill, you will be asked if you want to
save the transaction just entered. Answer "Y" to save or "N" to
erase the bill and enter another. You can exit the function by
pressing ENTER while the first field is highlighted. The program
will then save any transactions that you have entered and return
to the main menu.
This function is used to create credits for your clients. You can
apply credits to a specific case, if you wish.
Select ENTER CREDITS from the Service Billing Transaction menu.
Page 22
For each credit, you will need to complete the following fields:
Client #:Enter the client number for the client to be
credited. The name and address for the client will then
be displayed. You can press the F2 key to use the
lookup window to search for the correct client. If you
enter an undefined client number, you will be given a
chance to add a new client. You can return to the main
menu by pressing ENTER while this field is highlighted.
Credit Amount:Enter the dollar amount of the credit in
this field. You can then enter a specific description
of the credit in the space immediately below.
Date:Enter the date for the credit.
Case:You can enter a case number if you want this credit
to be applied to a particular case. You can press the
F2 key to use the lookup window to search for the
correct case. If you enter an undefined case number,
you will be given a chance to add a new case.
Reference:You can use this field to identify this
Print?:Enter "Y" to immediately select this credit to
appear on the next statement that you print for this
client. If you enter "N" in this field you will be able
to delete this transaction later, but the credit will
not appear on a statement or be transferred to the
General Ledger module unless you specifically select it
with the SELECT FOR BILLING function. However, all
client and case balances will be updated.
Linking Code:Specify the linking code for this credit.
This field only appears if you have elected to link
Service Billing to the General Ledger module.
Upon completion of each credit, you will be asked if you want to
save the credit just entered. Answer "Y" to save or "N" to erase
the credit and enter another. You can exit the function by
pressing ENTER while the first field is highlighted. The program
will then save any transactions that you have entered and return
to the main menu.
This function is used to record payments for your clients.
Select ENTER PAYMENTS from the Service Billing Transaction menu.
For each payment, you will need to complete the following fields:
Client #:Enter the client number of the client making
the payment. The name and address for the client will
Page 23
then be displayed. You can press the F2 key to use the
lookup window to search for the correct client. If you
enter an undefined client number, you will be given a
chance to add a new client. You can return to the main
menu by pressing ENTER while this field is highlighted.
Check Amount:Enter the dollar amount of the payment in
this field. You can then enter a specific description
of the payment in the space immediately below.
Date:Enter the date of the payment.
Case:You can enter a case number if you want this
payment to be applied to a particular case. You can
press the F2 key to use the lookup window to search for
the correct case. If you enter an undefined case
number, you will be given a chance to add a new case.
Reference:You can use this field to identify this
Print?:Enter "Y" to immediately select this payment to
appear on the next statement that you print for this
client. If you enter "N" in this field you will be able
to delete this transaction later, but the payment
will not appear on a statement or be transferred to the
General Ledger module unless you specifically select it
with the SELECT FOR BILLING function. However, all
client and case balances will be updated.
Linking Code:Specify the linking code for this paymeent.
This field only appears if you have elected to link
Service Billing to the General Ledger module.
Upon completion of each payment, you will be asked if you want to
save the payment just entered. Answer "Y" to save or "N" to erase
the payment and enter another. You can exit the function by
pressing ENTER while the first field is highlighted. The program
will then save any transactions that you have entered and return
to the main menu.
You can use this function to delete any current period transaction
that has not been selected to appear on a statement.
Select DELETE TRANSACTIONS from the Service Billing Transaction
You will first be asked to specify a transaction number. Enter
the number of the transaction that you want to delete or press
ENTER to return to the main menu. If the specified transaction
has been selected to appear on a statement, a message will appear
to inform you of this and you will be asked to enter another
transaction number.
Page 24
After you specify the transaction to be deleted, the screen will
display various information concerning the relevant client and
details of the selected transaction. You will then be asked to
confirm that you actually want to delete the transaction. Answer
"Y" to delete the transaction or "N" if you decide not to delete
it. If you elect to delete the transaction, all relevant client,
case, service, and employee balances will be updated. Whether you
delete the transaction or not, you will be returned to the
previous screen and asked to enter another transaction number.
When a client's payments for the current period fall short of his
account balance at the end of the previous period, he becomes
eligible for finance charges. This function creates a bill for
each client with an unpaid prior period balance.
For each client, the program first subtracts the total dollar
amount of all payments made in the current period from the balance
at the end of the previous period. Then, the finance charge
percentage specified in each client record is used to calculate a
charge for each client with an unpaid prior period balance.
You must use the SELECT FOR PRINTING function to select each bill
created by this function to appear on client statements.
Select COMPUTE FINANCE CHARGES from the Service Billing
Transaction menu.
You will first be asked if you want to print a report listing
clients due for finance charges. Answer "Y" if you want to print
a report or "N" to skip this option. If you elect to print the
report, you will need to select the report device. If no clients
are found to be due for finance charges, you will be returned to
the main menu.
You will then be asked if you want to proceed and create finance
charges. Answer "Y" to continue or "N" to return to the main
menu. If you elect to continue, the program will automatically
create bills for any clients due for finance charges and return
you to the main menu.
Use this function to automatically create bills that occur on a
regular basis.
You must use the SELECT FOR PRINTING function to select each bill
created by this function to appear on client statements.
Select GENERATE AUTOMATIC BILLS from the Service Billing main
You will first be asked to enter a date. The date that you enter
here will determine which automatic bills will be used to generate
Page 25
transactions. Transactions will be created for only for automatic
bills whose "Next Date" field contains a date on or before this
After entering the date, you will be asked if you want to continue
and create transactions. Answer "Y" to continue or "N" to
return to the main menu. If you elect to continue, the program
will automatically create transactions for all automatic bills due
for billing and update their "Next Date" fields.
Use this function to select items to appear on client statements.
Select SELECT FOR PRINTING from the Service Billing main menu.
You will first be asked to enter a client number. You can enter
the client number for the transaction(s) that you want to select
or press ENTER to return to the main menu. If you elect to
continue, the program will search for transactions that have not
yet been selected. If any are found, the screen will display
details of the first unselected transaction on file for the client
that you have chosen. You will then be able to display each
unselected transaction for this client. You can:
1. Press F3 to select the displayed transaction for printing
2. Press PgUp to display the previous unselected transaction
3. Press PgDn to display the next unselected transaction
4. Press ESC to return to the previous screen
As you display the transactions, each transaction that you select
will no longer be available for display. When all transactions
for a client have been selected , you must press ESC to return to
the previous screen. You can then enter another client number or
press ENTER to return to the main menu.
You can use this function to scan all transactions on file for any
Select CASE ANALYSIS from the Service Billing main menu.
You will be asked to enter a client number and case number. Enter
the client and case number for the case whose transactions you
want to view. Press ENTER while the first field is highlighted
to return to the main menu. If you continue and enter the client
and case number, the program will search for transactions for this
case. If any are found, the screen will display details of the
first transaction for the selected case. You will then be able to
scan all transactions on file for this case. You can:
1. Press PgUp to display the previous transaction
2. Press PgDn to display the next transaction
3. Press ESC to return to the previous screen
Page 26
After reviewing the transactions for the case that you have
chosen, press ESC to return to the previous screen. You can then
select another case or press ENTER to return to the main menu.
You can use this function to scan all transactions on file for any
Select CLIENT ACCOUNT SUMMARY from the Service Billing main menu.
You will be asked to enter a client number. Enter the client
number for the client whose transactions you want to view. Press
ENTER while this field is highlighted to return to the main menu.
If you continue and enter the client number, the program will
search for transactions for this client. If any are found, the
screen will display details of the first transaction for the
selected client. You will then be able to scan all transactions
on file for this client. You can:
1. Press PgUp to display the previous transaction
2. Press PgDn to display the next transaction
3. Press ESC to return to the previous screen
After reviewing the transactions for the client that you have
chosen, press ESC to return to the previous screen. You can then
select another client or press ENTER to return to the main menu.
You can use this function to create entries in the Service Billing
linking file for transfer to the General Ledger module. You
should use this function before closing the current period.
Select GENERAL JOURNAL ENTRIES from the Service Billing System
Maintenance menu.
You will need to enter the following fields:
Create GJ Entries?:Answer "Y" if you want Service
Billing to update the linking file with entries for all
items that have been printed on client statements.
All entries created by this function will be assigned
general ledger source code "SB" for Service Billing.
Answer "N" if you do not want to create entries at this
List Transactions:Answer "Y" if you want to print a
report listing the entries to be created in this batch.
If you have also elected to update the linking file,
this report will print as the entries are created.
Answer "N" if you do not want to print a report.
Report Date:If you have elected to print a report, the
date that you enter here will appear on the report
Page 27
header. Otherwise, this field will be skipped.
If you have elected to print the report, you will then be asked to
specify the report device. Otherwise, you will simply be asked if
you want to continue and update the linking file. In either case,
you can answer "Y" to continue or "N" to return to the main menu.
Use this function to close the current period and prepare files
for a new period.
Select CLOSE CURRENT PERIOD from the Service Billing System
Maintenance menu.
When you close the period, all period-to-date fields are set to
zero, all current period transactions are moved to a transaction
history file, and the current period transaction file is emptied.
If the current period is the last of the year, all year-to-date
fields are also set to zero. If the transaction history file
contains a large number of transactions, closing the period may
require significant processing time.
You will need to enter the following fields:
Close Year?:Answer "Y" if you are closing the final
period of the year. Otherwise, enter "N" in this field.
List Transactions:Answer "Y" if you want to print a list
of all transactions that were entered during the current
period. Answer "N" if you do not want to print a
Report Date:If you have elected to print a report, the
date that you enter here will be specified as the period
ending date on the report header. Otherwise, this field
will be skipped.
If you have elected to print the report, you will then be asked to
specify the report device. Otherwise, you will simply be asked if
you want to continue and close the period. In either case, you
can answer "Y" to continue or "N" to return to the main menu.
6. R E P O R T S A N D F I L E L I S T S
This chapter describes the various Service Billing reports and
file lists. Most reports and file lists can be formatted to
include only the items that you want. None of the reports updates
Service Billing data files.
This report lists all transactions for each of your clients. It
Page 28
can be printed or displayed for one client, any range of clients,
or all clients.
Select TRANSACTIONS BY CLIENT from the Service Billing Reports
To format the report, you will need to enter the following fields:
Beginning Client:Enter the first client number to
include in the report or skip this field to begin with
the first client.
Ending Client:Enter the final client number to include
in the report or skip this field to end with the last
Beginning Date:Only transactions dated after the date
specified here will be included in the report. Skip
this field if you want to begin with the earliest
Ending Date:Only transactions dated prior to the date
specified here will be included in the report. Skip
this field if you want to end with the final
After completing the above fields, you will need to specify the
device for the report. If you elect to continue, Service Billing
will then print or display the report.
This report lists all transactions for each of your services. It
can be printed or displayed for one service, any range of
services, or all services.
Select TRANSACTIONS BY SERVICE from the Service Billing Reports
To format the report, you will need to enter the following fields:
Beginning Service:Enter the first service number to
include in the report or skip this field to begin with
the first service.
Ending Service:Enter the final service number to include
in the report or skip this field to end with the last
Beginning Date:Only transactions dated after the date
specified here will be included in the report. Skip
this field if you want to begin with the earliest
Ending Date:Only transactions dated prior to the date
Page 29
specified here will be included in the report. Skip
this field if you want to end with the final
After completing the above fields, you will need to specify the
device for the report. If you elect to continue, Service Billing
will then print or display the report.
This report lists all transactions for each employee. It can be
printed or displayed for one employee, any range of employees, or
all employees.
Select TRANSACTIONS BY EMPLOYEE from the Service Billing Reports
To format the report, you will need to enter the following fields:
Beginning Employee:Enter the first employee number to
include in the report or skip this field to begin with
the first employee.
Ending Employee:Enter the final employee number to
include in the report or skip this field to end with the
last employee.
Beginning Date:Only transactions dated after the date
specified here will be included in the report. Skip
this field if you want to begin with the earliest
Ending Date:Only transactions dated prior to the date
specified here will be included in the report. Skip
this field if you want to end with the final
Billable/Nonbillable/All:Enter "B" to list only billable
transactions or "N" to list only nonbillable
transactions. Enter "A" to list all transactions.
After completing the above fields, you will need to specify the
device for the report. If you elect to continue, Service Billing
will then print or display the report.
This report lists all transactions for each case. It can be
printed or displayed for one case, any range of cases, or all
Select CASE REPORT from the Service Billing Reports menu.
Page 30
To format the report, you will need to enter the following fields:
Beginning Case:Enter the first case number to include in
the report or skip this field to begin with the first
Ending Case:Enter the final case number to include in
the report or skip this field to end with the last case.
Beginning Date:Only transactions dated after the date
specified here will be included in the report. Skip
this field if you want to begin with the earliest
Ending Date:Only transactions dated prior to the date
specified here will be included in the report. Skip
this field if you want to end with the final
Active/Inactive/Both:Enter "A" to list only active cases
or "I" to list only inactive cases. Enter "B" to list
all cases.
After completing the above fields, you will need to specify the
device for the report. If you elect to continue, Service Billing
will then print or display the report.
For each of your clients, this report lists the credit limit,
current balance, and balance at the end of each of the three prior
Select SUMMARY AGING REPORT from the Service Billing Reports menu.
To format the report, you will need to enter the following fields:
Beginning Client:Enter the first client number to
include in the report or skip this field to begin with
the first client.
Ending Client:Enter the final client number to include
in the report or skip this field to end with the last
Type:Only clients with the "Type" code specified here
will appear on the report.
Code:Only clients with the "Code" specified here will
appear on the report.
After completing the above fields, you will need to specify the
device for the report. If you elect to continue, Service Billing
will then print or display the report.
Page 31
At the end of each accounting period, you can use the CLIENT
STATEMENTS function to print statements for any range of clients.
You can print statements on plain paper or pre-printed forms.
Pre-printed forms may be ordered directly from RAPIDFORMS
(800-257-8354). Be sure to order form number DB2606.
Select CLIENT STATEMENTS from the Service Billing Reports menu.
Each statement shows the client's balance at the end of the
previous period, followed by all transactions that have been
selected for printing. You should be certain that any finance
charges that you have calculated during the current period are
selected for printing before using this function. Each
transaction can only be printed on a statement once. Therefore,
it is important to only print statements at the end of the period.
If you have linked Service Billing to the General Ledger module
and want your Service Billing periods to be concurrent with your
General Ledger periods, you should print statements immediately
before updating the general journal, since only items that have
been printed on statements will be transferred.
You will need to enter the following fields:
Beginning Client:Enter the number of the first client
whose statement you will print or skip this field to
begin with the first client.
Ending Client:Enter the number of the final client whose
statement you will print or skip this field to end with
the last client.
Type:Statements will be printed only for clients with
the "Type" code specified here. Skip this field if you
will print statements for all types.
Code:Statements will be printed only for clients with
the "Code" that you specify here. Skip this field if
you will print statements for all codes.
Use Printed Form ?:Enter "Y" if you will print these
statements on pre-printed forms or "N" if the statements
will be printed on plain paper.
Print Company Name ?:Enter "Y" in this field if you want
your company's name to be printed on the statements.
Otherwise, enter "N" in this field.
Next, you are asked to specify the print device.
If you have elected to use pre-printed forms, you will be asked if
you want to print an alignment test. This option enables you to
print a test pattern in order to be certain that all information
will be printed in the proper locations. You can print this test
Page 32
as many times as necessary. Answer "Y" to print the test pattern
or "N" if you do not want to print an alignment test.
You are then asked if you want to print the statements. Answer
"Y" to continue and print the statements or "N" to return to the
main menu.
Finally, you are asked if you want to save the statements just
printed. If you do, you will not be able to print any of these
transactions on statements again. Answer "Y" if you are satisfied
with the statements and want to update your files. Answer "N" if
you don't want to save the statements. Whether you save the
statements or not, the program will then return to the main menu.
This report lists each of your clients. It can be printed or
displayed for one client, any range of clients, or all clients.
Select LIST CLIENTS from the Service Billing File Lists menu.
To format the report, you will need to enter the following fields:
Beginning Client:Enter the first client number to
include in the report or skip this field to begin with
the first client.
Ending Client:Enter the final client number to include
in the report or skip this field to end with the last
Type:Only clients with the "Type" code specified here
will appear on the report.
Code:Only clients with the "Code" specified here will
appear on the report.
After completing the above fields, you will need to specify the
report device. Service Billing will then print or display the
This report lists each of your services. It can be printed or
displayed for one service, any range of services, or all services.
Select LIST SERVICES from the Service Billing File Lists menu.
To format the report, you will need to enter the following fields:
Beginning Service:Enter the first service number to
include in the report or skip this field to begin with
the first service.
Ending Service:Enter the final service number to include
Page 33
in the report or skip this field to end with the last
Service Type:Only services with the "Type" code
specified here will appear on the report.
Billable/Nonbillable/All:Enter "B" to list only services
that are usually billable or "N" to list only services
that are usually nonbillable. Enter "A" to list all
After completing the above fields, you will need to specify the
report device. Service Billing will then print or display the
This report lists each employee. It can be printed or displayed
for one employee, any range of employees, or all employees.
Select LIST EMPLOYEES from the Service Billing File Lists menu.
To format the report, you will need to enter the following fields:
Beginning Employee:Enter the first employee number to
include in the report or skip this field to begin with
the first employee.
Ending Employee:Enter the final employee number to
include in the report or skip this field to end with the
last employee.
Category:Only employees for the category specified here
will appear on the report. Skip this field to include
all employees.
After completing the above fields, you will need to specify the
report device. Service Billing will then print or display the
This report lists each of your cases. It can be printed or
displayed for one case, any range of cases, or all cases.
Select LIST CASES from the Service Billing File Lists menu.
To format the report, you will need to enter the following fields:
Beginning Case:Enter the first case number to include in
the report or skip this field to begin with the first
Ending Case:Enter the final case number to include in
the report or skip this field to end with the last case.
Page 34
Case Type:Only cases with the "Type" code specified here
will appear on the report.
Active/Inactive/Both:Enter "A" to list only active cases
or "I" to list only inactive cases. Enter "B" to list
all cases.
After completing the above fields, you will need to specify the
report device. Service Billing will then print or display the
This report lists each of your automatic bills. It can be printed
or displayed for any range of automatic bills.
Select LIST AUTOMATIC BILLS from the Service Billing File Lists
To format the report, you will need to enter the following fields:
Beginning Bill:Enter the first automatic bill number to
include in the report or skip this field to begin with
the first automatic bill.
Ending Bill:Enter the last automatic bill number to
include in the report or skip this field to end with the
last automatic bill.
Type:Only automatic bills with the "Type" code specified
here will appear on the report.
Active/Inactive/Both:Enter "A" to list only active bills
or "I" to list only inactive bills. Enter "B" to list
all bills.
After completing the above fields, you will need to specify the
report device. Service Billing will then print or display the
7. M A I N T E N A N C E F U N C T I O N S
Service Billing includes two additional functions. The REBUILD
SERVICE BILLING FILES function enables you to conserve disk space
and to recover from certain errors. You can use the DELETE
HISTORY function to remove old Service Billing transactions and
further conserve disk space.
Unless you need to recover disk space, you will probably never
need to use this function. If, however, you find that some
reports are not showing all records or that you are not able to
Page 35
access certain records, rebuilding your data files may correct the
Select REBUILD FILES from the Service Billing System Maintenance
You will first be asked if you want to include Service Billing
History files. Answer "Y" if you want to rebuild the Transaction
History file. If this file contains a large number of
transactions, this may be time consuming. Answer "N" to rebuild
all files except for this one.
You will then be asked if you want to continue and rebuild your
files. Answer "Y" to continue or "N" to return to the main menu.
If you elect to continue, Service Billing will then rebuild your
files and return automatically to the main menu.
You can use this function to delete transactions from the
Transaction History file. If the file contains a large number of
transactions, this may be time consuming, but can conserve
considerable disk space. It is recommended that you use this
function on a regular basis to improve overall system performance.
Select DELETE HISTORY from the Service Billing System Maintenance
You will need to enter the following fields:
Cutoff Date:Only transactions that occurred prior to the
date that you enter here will be deleted.
List Deletions:Answer "Y" if you want to print a list of
all transactions that will be deleted first. You will
then have a chance to review this list before proceding.
Enter "N" in this field if you do not want to print a
If you elect to print the report, you will need to specify the
device for the report. If you elect to continue, Service Billing
will then print the report. Otherwise, you will be asked if you
want to continue and remove the transactions. Answer "Y" to
continue or "N" to return to the main menu. Only transactions
that have been printed on client statements will be deleted by
this function. If you have linked Service Billing to the General
Ledger module, only transactions that have been transferred to the
linking file will be deleted.